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notturnoconcertante/The Glass Tear

The Glass Tear


1. La Danza download
2. The Ghost of the Sun at Sunset download
3. Braer download
4. Giga download
5. Il Mare della Tranquillità download
6. My Spectre Around Me Night and Day download
7. The Price of Experience download
8. The Theme from the Film "The Leaving Trains" download
9. Piece of Dream download
10. Le Anime Belle download
11. L'Aria che Cammina download
12. So Many Things I Would Have Done download
13. Far Away Places download

Available On

About Album

L’ultimo lavoro degli anni ’90 (il terzo per la Mellow Records) è un disco ricco di novità: a cominciare dalle influenze folk/celtiche e mediterranee. L’album è piuttosto diverso da “Erewhon”  e segna, per diversi aspetti, un ulteriore affrancamento dalla originaria matrice prog rock. Diversi gli episodi strumentali accanto a quelli cantati, affidati sempre alla voce di Raffaele.


Artist: Notturno Concertante
Label: Mellow Records
Release Date: January 10, 1994

Available Lyrics



Nero è il colore del mare, gli altri colori cancellati.
Una carcassa di nave perde sangue/veleno.
Un nero sudano che avvolge tutto.
Nero è il colore del mare nascono isole di catrame.
La nave semina lutto nell’acqua che adesso è il cimitero degli animali.
Qui l’uomo ha portato la sua stupidità, qui l’uomo ha portato la sua avidità.
Il vento col suo odore di morte anche qui...

Questo nero mare imprigionato vomita corpi di animali.
Continua l’agonia dei cormorani, la lana è diventata così nera...
Qui l’uomo ha portato...

The Price of Experience


When did I begin to fall?
When everything started to seem too much for me?
Maybe it happened when I only felt sate just in the walls of my prison room.
Maybe it happened on those days when a sense of gloom Iocked my heart.

All at once everything seemed to loose its magic and everything was so hard to bear.
Someone said this is the price of experience, but I felt Iike I just had enough.
When did I become another house with no door?
When every distance seemed to break my heart?

When did I realize dejection was imploding in me and all the things we do begun to seem pointless…………

Le Anime Belle


Le anime belle perse dietro i loro sogni non sanno come va questa vita.
Abituate a combattere contro i mulini a vento riescono sempre ad indignarsi.

Come farebbero senza il nostro sano cinismo?
Chi li difenderebbe da se stessi?
Non sanno che non è più di moda indignarsi?
Non serve a niente cercare di cambiare

Le anime belle sono i volontari
di una guerra che vogliono perdere.

Devi aver pazienza con loro
anche se c’è sempre qualcuno che si ostina a non voler capire.
Come ci diverte vederli sbracciarsi
per denunciare torti o ingiustizie.

Le anime belle sono i volontari
di una guerra che vogliono perdere.

So Many Things I Would Have Done


So many things I would have done,
so many are the chances l’ve Iost,
so many are the years I wasted,
I’ve been running after my fears.

So many are the dreams l’ve broken,
too much the time that I wasted,
so many are the things I Iearnt,
in the end I begin to see.

The time for regrets has gone:
no more Iaments, the truth Is plain to see:
It's worthless to search the reason for our happiness in other people.
So much is the love that I miss.

So many things I would have done,
so many are the chances l’ve Iost,
so many are the fhings I Iearnt,
so many things I will do for me
So much is the love that I miss.

Far Away Places


I’d like to go to far away places to meet some other people,
to know new habits and other points of view.
I’d like to go to far away places,
where freedom is much more than a word, an empty word
where you can find respect for human beings, for every human being.

I’d like to leave this country sometimes.
I’m tired of people in trance looking tv.
I’m tired of people who are afraid not to look like young, they smile while they’re killing you.
And everyday they pray in their churches,
but they only trust in money trying to guess which wind will blow,
a wind will blow
I’d like to go so far away, I’d like to go, to go to far away places.

I’d Iike to go to far away places to meet some other people,
who no need no providential men, intoxicated with power
making promises they will never keep, talking of miracles...
I’m tired of putting up with their arrogance,
I'd like to go to far away places.
There’s no need providential men, intoxicated with power
making promises they will never keep, talking of miracles...

I'm tired of putting up……